
The Queue: Honor, Molten Core iLevel, valor achievements, bugs, and shoulders

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Adam Holisky (@adamholisky) will be your host today.

Thrall. I think this game needs more Thrall.

Don't you agree? They should make an entire expansion about Thrall.

Zuhani asked:

Will it still be possible to get honor points without PvPing, as it is now? I don't mean getting like 16 points when killing something in VoA, more like being able to "buy" honor like you currently do with JP?

I would use this honor to buy old PvP gear for transmogging. Or will old PvP gear be available for gold in the future?

You'll need to grind honor, but realize they're making the most significant changes to the PvP system I've ever seen, so it's going to feel quite a bit different than it did. I don't think we're going to have too big of a problem with the honor grind anymore, at least I hope not.

But you do bring up a good point; they need to make the old PvP gear as accessible as the old PvE gear. I'd love to see it all turn to gold, however I kinda doubt that'll happen right away. There's more of a market for low-level PvP gear in the lower brackets, so it'd potentially create an imbalance between the haves and the have nots, which is something Blizzard has tried to avoid. Lets wait and see, though.

IAmTheDoctor asked:

What ilvl will be required to queue for the Molten Core LFR? Will we have time to gear up? For people who only have a couple of hours a week to play (during a normal, non-holiday time of year), that time goes by really fast.

Doctor, who?

I would be surprised if there is any item level requirement at all. The instance is there to have fun, to bring us back to the olden days of running Molten Core 10-years ago. It's not meant to be challenging, and it should be easy for a pug to go in and rolfstomp over. That said, I could see a situation where the first tier of blues are needed to make it truly easy.

Chainlink asked:

Since they're getting rid of valor, does that mean that the valor-collection achievements (i.e. collect 100,000 valor points) will become feats of strength?

Correct, all of those achievements are now Feats of Strength.

Rollo asked:

Q4TQ How do i send in a bug report on the PTR? I can't seem to locate the option, and people on the PTR are less than helpful... most of them seem to be there just to troll trade.

I haven't reported via in-game in a long time. There used to be a blue Blizzard icon around the menu area, but I'm not seeing it anymore.

I've just used the forms. Use the forms, post there, they'll see it.

Sergel asked:

Random question, but what are your favorite shoulderpads in WoW?

Tier 6 warrior. End of discussion.

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!