
Breakfast Topic: Which side to play?

I'm having that end-of-expansion quandary, and it's never been quite as keenly felt as it is with Warlords of Draenor. On the one hand, I'd like to level my main character immediately at the outset of the expansion, just because I love playing a rogue and Frostfire Ridge is incredibly fun and suitably, well ... savage. On the other, I absolutely love everything there is to see and do in Shadowmoon Valley to the point where I'm thinking maybe I want to level my draenei character first.

In expansions past, it's always been the rogue, simply for the purposes of getting raid-ready as soon as possible with the rest of my raiding guild. But I'm taking a different route with Draenor, one that I haven't traveled since Burning Crusade -- I've decided to retire from heavier raiding, and instead take my time, work on what I can, and just enjoy the content at a leisurely pace. I may pick up raiding at some point later in the expansion, but I'm not really in a place where I want to dedicate the hours to full-time raiding any more.

So here I am, for the first time well and truly torn between the two factions in a way that I'd never expected. It's not that one zone is better than the other, it's that each starting zone is its own wholly unique and beautiful experience. I know I want to play through them both, because they're both totally worth playing for completely different reasons. On the one hand, this is a good thing, because it means Blizzard has managed to hit the ball out of the park when it comes to leveling zones -- on the other, it means I have to make some kind of choice. What about you guys? Which side are you going to play when Warlords begins? Do you plan on playing through both Alliance and Horde content at some point?