
Breakfast Topic: In Chaos and Riots

Sometimes it really blows my mind how much destruction we've seen. Even if we don't consider it our fault, exactly, the ravaging of the Jade Forest and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms were pretty impressive on just the level of woah, that blew up hard. But we've seen whole worlds that were effectively destroyed. Once you've been to Outland and seen the ravaged remains of the red world of Draenor, once you've been to Northrend and seen the Scourge rampage through Zul'Drak, seen almost innumerable hosts of undead in Icecrown Glacier, fought against the armies of Ragnaros and Deathwing and seen the madness of the Destroyer, you have to start wondering just how jaded you would have to be to keep doing what we do. Do we just yawn in the face of yet another threat? Can anything shock us anymore?

Tell me, is there a menace that can possibly get past your air of 'been there, done that, got the epics' in World of Warcraft?