
WRUP: Patch 6.0 surprises

Patch 6.0 has finally arrived, and with it comes plenty of changes and even a few surprises. Yes, even though Team WoW Insider has been eagerly awaiting the latest patch for a good long while now, there were details we missed, changes we expected that didn't appear, and just things we hadn't thought about until we logged in for the first time post-patch.

But a new patch and new content means we're definitely playing this weekend, surprises or otherwise. To find out just what sort of virtual trouble the team is diving into, read on -- or join us in the comments to tell us what you're playing in this post-patch weekend.

Adam Holisky (@AdamHolisky) I'm having a crazy fun time doing old raid bosses on my priest, and I plan on continuing that. I might also take her through SoO... we'll see how much I want to deal with pugs.

Adam Koebel (@BendakWoW) The only thing that surprised me was how quickly I killed Chimaeron in Blackwing Descent. I wanted to tame him for my hunter, but the scaling was radically different from what I experienced on the PTR. Hunters must bring him to 20% health before they can tame and many hunters accidentally killed him in a few seconds. It looks like they've now hotfixed it so level 85 raids aren't such a faceroll, so next week should be easier to complete the tame without accidentally killing him. Aside from that, I'm very happy the devs are still working on class balance (being a hunter and all).

Alex Ziebart (@AlexZiebart) I have an obsession with the Timeless Isle lately. I wandered back into it awhile ago and found I didn't want to leave. Kill lots of stuff and get fabulous prizes in exchange? Sure! Even if those prizes won't mean much a month from now, it's fun. My surprise is just how little there is to the Iron Horde invasion in the Blasted Lands. It doesn't feel like an invasion. It doesn't feel like anything. The orcs don't seem particularly dangerous nor did they advance very far before we squashed them. The Iron Horde might seem like a bigger threat if they didn't show up at all.

Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) I'm likely going to spend the weekend back and forth between the beta and live servers -- and on catching up with a few smaller projects around the house. I think the thing that startled me right off the bat, but in a nice way, was firing up the patch and having the cinematic trailer for Warlords roll out. I mean yes, we've seen the trailer before, I just didn't expect it with the patch. Other than that, the farm is uh ... awfully surprising these days!

Dawn Moore (@dawnwow) I missed the memo that the heirloom tab wasn't being rolled out with this patch and was slightly bummed when I realized it wasn't there. I have so many heirlooms across different servers (and I can never remember where any of them are) so it would have been a perfect feature for me. Oh well! I was pleasantly surprised by the mats tab in the bank, though with my main being tailoring/enchanting it has little use to me. I just thought it was great.

Elizabeth Harper (@faience) I had thought that the epic cloak quest was going to be gone this patch, but now that it isn't, I'm compelled to try to complete it. So I guess I'll be in Throne of Thunder and working on Wrathion rep this weekend!

Matthew Rossi (@MatthewWRossi) I was surprised at how many small things were bugged in an unusual way - gems and enchants from older content being as good or better than Mists ones, some old legendaries like Shadowmourne were competitive with Mythic Siege drops, etc etc. I've been in raids with people tanking with Thunderfury this week, and it works great.

The weekend is the perfect time to kick back, relax and enjoy some game time. Are you an achievement junkie? Can't get enough raiding? Rolling a new alt? Considering taking the leap into roleplaying? Whatever your favorite way to play

World of Warcraft, let us know in the comments what you're playing this weekend!