
Breakfast Topic: Do we have too many kinds of raiding?

Raiding is something we just do, something we've always done, it's woven into the bones and blood of World of Warcraft and I've been involved with it this whole time. It's what made playing the game hard for me during my recent health issues. So it seems strange of me to ask this, even to myself, but I have to wonder - do we have too much raiding now? We now have LFR (looking for raid), normal, heroic, and mythic raiding. That's four exclusive raid sizes, and it just makes me wonder. I doubt that people doing mythic raids are going to run LFR every week, and likewise LFR players are not likely to be in the mythic group, so perhaps it's fine - perhaps all these raid types finally give players the choice we've always said we wanted for the raid game.

But I do find myself simply unable to get excited about seeing the same fight multiple times in a week. I didn't like it when I was clearing Trial of the Crusader on 10n, 10h, 25n and 25h and I'm not looking forward to running Blackrock Foundry on LFR, Normal and Heroic. (I doubt I'll do any mythic raiding in Warlords, and that suits me just fine.) So here's your chance to speak up - am I just being my usual pessimistic self?