
One Shots: Foot-in-Chest disease


I don't think a lot of us fantasize about the way that we're going to die. My philosophy is, if it must happen, it should be as cool as possible. I think that getting kicked off of the top of a speeding train after a penultimate boss fight would fit the bill. Of course, I'd probably rather be the one kicking than being kicked, especially if the kickee is a supernatural terrorist like this jerk.

Reader Jonathan shares our first screenshot of the week: "This is from the cutscene as I was finishing the Last Train to Cairo in The Secret World. I think it's a great action shot, even if you can't see my character's face."

Don't forget to do a proper Wilhelm scream, my friend! So what other gruesome fates await us in this collection of deadly images?

Every once in a while I'll receive a picture with a caption that was obviously written under the influence of powerful hallucinogens. I'm not saying "drugs" here because it's possible our reader might have been varnishing inside, accidentally inhaled too much, and then decided to email me a picture. But this particular ArcheAge screenshot description fits that scenario.

"I believe I can fly," reader Vunak writes. "I believe I can touch the sky, I think about it every night and day. Drop my sails and fly awaaaaay. I believe I can soar."

We... we believe you can too, good buddy. Go soar in some fresh air and seek medical attention as soon as possible.

"I had two favorite mounts in Lord of the Rings Online. This is the 'cool' one," reader Chris shared. "I love to customize appearance, so I went nuts when the war steed system was released. This is Lothris, Sindarin for 'Snow Queen.' Most of her kit is the Loremaster Steed set, dyed Rivendell Green. The leggings are from the Hunter Steed, and the saddle was from the winter festival. Riding Lothris is Mayda Enbourne, my first character and perpetual main -- a Lore-master born in October of 2007. She's in her winter holiday outfit here, a gown, and a heavy fur cloak dyed Rivendell Green (the best green). And, of course, a warm scarf."

Reader Cim stepped through the opening and into the vast room. It was so quiet that he swore he could hear the dust particles collide as they floated by. But it wasn't mere dust that caught his attention; rather, the giant thermonuclear reactor that casually took up the bulk of the chamber both fascinated and horrified him.

So this was the source of all of the death that had been spilling out across the countryside. At least it hadn't gone critical yet. Cim shook himself from his thoughts and walked purposefully toward the control panel, not noticing the near-invisible laser trip-wire that fed into a glowing device. Two steps later, and a third of the planet began to experience a nuclear winter the likes the galaxy had never seen.

So what shall our screenshot challenge be this week? How about a picture of you partying it up, either with friends or in the community? Bonus points if you're doing the Carlton!

Want to be featured in a future edition of One Shots? Send your favorite MMO screenshots to, and don't forget to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of the scene. Large, colorful, UI-free shots that tell a story and really show off the game make for the best images. Look ma, we brought back One Shots!