
Breakfast Topic: Did you get what you wanted out of Hallow's End?

Six years of holiday farming finally paid off. I remember very clearly the first year the Horseman's Reins were introduced to the game -- largely because I spent hours upon hours cycling through alts with a group of friends in the wee hours of the night farming for the thing. That tradition was kept up until the holiday started to use the dungeon finder loot bag system, which meant our days of endlessly farming the Headless Horseman were at an end. We were sad about it. I was incredibly sad about it, because I'd only seen the mount drop twice, and both times it went to other people.

And now I have the flying demonic horse of my dreams. Was it worth it? I don't know if the time investment was worth it -- sure, there are other things I could have been doing at the time. But the memories of those late night farming runs and the people who have since moved on and away to other things are still there, and treasured. The experience was frustrating as all get out, but it was a shared frustration with a cool group of people. I'm still glad it's over.

Did you guys get what you wanted out of Hallow's End? Did you pick up the new pets, or maybe that really cool Arthas costume? Did you get the Horseman's Reins? Are you going to be farming the boss again next year? And perhaps most importantly -- do you think that Magic Broom should just be made a permanent mount already? Because I sure do.