
The Queue: Vengeful, Tricksy Ghosts

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossiwill be your host today.

I know people who don't like Massive Attack. I've never understood those people.

I'm writing the Queue today because Alex Ziebart apparently angered a ghost or something.

Seriously, any tweet Alex made yesterday could be in Alighieri's Inferno. I'm seriously afraid that Alex is being hunted by vengeful, tricksy ghosts.

diamondustviil asks:
Hm, here's a question for you. My Shaman has a reagent bag for her enchanting stuff. Is there really any reason to keep it around anymore, or should I just get her a good-sized normal bag and throw stuff in the reagent tab as much as possible?

Nope, no reason at all to keep that bag. Reagent tab all the way.

AdamC asks:
Made this request later year but it didn't come to pass was wondering if tomorrow's queue could be Laika themed to honor the doomed passenger of sputnik 2 on the anniversary of its launch

No, because it would make me too sad. You get a mention here, that's the best I can do for you. An entire Queue about a dog we shot into space and killed is too much for me. Maybe we could get an NPC in Warlords named Laika, hopefully a worgen who messes up some fools trying to shoot her into space.

Kaldricus asks:
I know they made it so you can mog without removing from void storage, but I've noticed I can do it with stuff in my bank too. Bug or feature?

Feature - it was introduced at the same time as the void storage change.

Bruin asks:
Dear Anne,

I am headed to Blizzcon, and would like to say hello if I see you. How will I know it's you?

(I mean what do you look like, not how do I know I'm talking to you and not an imposter who pretends to be you so she can dupe the citizens of Stormwind but is really a dragon.)

I'm not Anne, and I'm not going to BlizzCon. However, if you ever do meet me, I'm a large man with long hair and a beard, usually wearing a leather jacket and/or a hoodie. I look like this.

So yeah, if you see a dude who looks like that, it might be me. I suggest asking. Sorry I couldn't directly answer your question, but to be fair, Alex was supposed to write this and he doesn't look much like Anne either.

Yarmet asks:
Q4tQ: Back in Cataclysm I had a friend who leveled up the first couple of levels in Vashj'ir and then went on to Deepholm, bypassing Mt Hyjal. When he later decided to go back to Hyjal to ramp up for Molten Front, he could not access any of the starter (and thus gated) quests of the zone. We assumed it was because he was already too high for them.

I now have a couple of lvl 90 alts I would like to leave in Pandaria for a while, killing Zandalari, gathering shards in the Vale, etc. to mop up some stuff I haven't finished while my mains go on to Draenor. But I'm worried that as soon as WoD hits, all of those activities will again cause gains in XP, and those alts might end up limiting their chances at starting quests, etc for Draenor, like my friend did in Hyjal. Does anyone know what the mechanics are for this situation in this expansion? Should I have the alts get their XP frozen to be safe? Thanks for any info.

Your friend didn't outlevel Hyjal. Your friend didn't do Hyjal, which meant that the zone wasn't progressed to the point where the Molten Front quests were available. If your friend went there right now on a level 90 and did the Hyjal quests, he would eventually progress to the point where the Molten Front existed and he could then get the dailies. I know this because I just did it on one of my alts. You do not have to freeze your XP, you simply have to do the quests in order.

Armenius says:
@ScottLeyes I think you just uncovered the biggest WoW Insider cover-up since that time Rossi accidentally rolled a Warlock.

I have two warlocks. Neither was an accident.

That's the Queue for Monday, November 3rd. BlizzCon is in four days. Warlords is in ten days. And Drag-Thuu comes in a month.

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!