
Ben Heck builds an Apple 1 from scratch, and you can too

Element14's Ben Heckendorn builds an Apple 1 replica

If you don't have the near-US$1 million to spare to buy a genuine Apple 1 computer, why not build your own working replica? Master model Ben Heckendorn (AKA Ben Heck) does just that in a new three-part episode of element14'sThe Ben Heck Show.

In this first episode, Ben talks about the origins of the Apple 1, solders up a breadboard with sockets for RAM, ROM and the Apple 1's 6502 CPU, loads up an EEPROM with code for BASIC and the Woz Monitor, then takes the electronics for a run with the help of an oscilloscope.

Heck says that he'll try to come up with a case (with that 1970's design sensibility) in a future episode, and it looks like he's going to outfit the Apple 1 with an LCD display and keyboard. It's a bit on the technical side, but if you like the smell of solder and happen to have an oscilloscope sitting at your side, go for it.