
Retro RPG Pier Solar HD hits Xbox One later this month

Following its November 6 Wii U launch, classically styled role-playing game Pier Solar HD will reach the Xbox One on November 21.

Originally developed for the Sega Genesis well after Sega had left the console business, Pier Solar proved such a success that developer Watermelon launched a crowdfunding campaign to bring the game to more modern hardware. Not just a simple port, Pier Solar HD includes high resolution graphics and new, hand-drawn background art. Despite its technical enhancements, as you can see from the trailer beyond the break, Pier Solar HD is slavishly modeled after classics of the role-playing game genre, down to the pixelated character sprites.

Watermelon's announcement doesn't specify a price point for the Xbox One iteration of Pier Solar HD, but if it mirrors the recent Wii U release expect a $15 price tag.

[Image: Watermelon]