
Improve your score with PocketPro Short Game Golf

PocketPro Short Game Golf screenshots

Years ago I played with an older friend who consistently beat me on the golf course. He couldn't hit the ball nearly as far as I did, but he never three putted and always got the ball close from around the green. All golfers can cut several shots off their scores by having a good short game. PocketPro Short Game Golf provides users with a series of chipping, pitching, and putting exercises aimed at improving their short games. The free universal app requires iOS 7.0.

PocketPro Short Game Golf  screenshots

The app offers two sections, one for putting and the other for chipping and pitching. In that segment you will find eight different training exercises that allow you to work on various parts of your short game. Each exercise comes with an accompanying video demonstrating how to do each drill. The eight exercises start further away from the hole and move closer. First is the 55 yard pitch, then a pitch from 30 yards followed by two chipping drills, two close in pitches, one high and one low, and finally a couple of bunker shots.

The app has a system for the users to score points on each shot. For example users get 4 points for making a shot, three if they are able to get the ball within three feet, two for further 3-6 feet, and one point for 6-9 feet. Users take ten shots in each of the eight drills and total your points once you finish. Record your score as you complete each exercise and the app tracks how you did so that the next time you do the drill you have a score to try and beat.

PocketPro Short Game Golf screenshots

The putting section works basically the same way. It is made up of five drills, putting with a left to right break, putting with a right to left break, working on uphill and downhill puts, trying to eliminate three putt greens, and getting long putts close to the hole. Again in each drill the users will take multiple balls, place them on the green and putt until the exercise in complete. The scoring system is similar to the pitching drills.

PocketPro Short Game Golf screenshots

Overall the drills in PocketPro Short Game Golf are not unique and similar practice drills can be found in any number of instructional apps or books. I could do similar drills on my own without the app but by keeping score it adds a competitive angle to using the app.

The only real way to improve any aspect of your game is through a lot of practice. Using PocketPro Short Game Golf as a practice aid will make your practice sessions more enjoyable and mean you are more likely to put in the time necessary for real improvement.