
The Queue: Hipster Grom had Gorehowl when it was cool

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today.

Seriously. That's what, a level 12 green? What happened there? Did Grom see all the people transmogging to Gorehowl and decide it wasn't cool anymore? "Oh, a Gorehowl. Yeah, I had a Gorehowl once. But then it sold out."

TheGreatJacob asks:
Q4tQ: Followers question: My husband and I were merrily garrisoning today congratulating each other on our various rare/epic followers when a question came to mind. Are we stuck with what we roll for a follower forever? Say my main gets crap rolls for followers, and my alt gets all epic followers. Are those followers set for the rest of the expansion?

I included this question because while I know that your followers level up as you go, getting better at various missions, I honestly don't know if there's a system in place for getting a green follower to go to rare or epic. So I figured this being the Queue, someone will come along and point to a post somewhere that I missed saying exactly that. Then I read the person who responded to you, and they posted a link that in fact answers this question. So thanks, jmlafave85.

I was worried my current collection of homicidal axe-wielding lady followers would end up somewhat weak at level 100, but no, they're all going to be epic eventually.

Scillara asks:
Khadgar opens a portal to Stormwind to bring in your garrison forces - which Stormwind is this? If it's normal universe then why didn't we just portal in in the first place? If it's AU Stormwind wouldn't the population be rather surprised to suddenly be ported to another world they never heard of?

It's our Stormwind. (Or Orgrimmar, if you're Horde.) Alt-Stormwind is full of people who don't know who we are and don't care and wouldn't come build a garrison for us. Our Stormwind is full of people who think we're a big damn hero and who will come build a garrison.

Why didn't we portal in in the first place? Because we were fighting a holding action, got a chance to break through their lines and destroy their portal. Which we took. There were two big cinematics and everything. The goal wasn't just to go to Draenor. This isn't a sightseeing trip. This is a behind the lines mission to sabotage an entrenched and powerful enemy and stop their war machine before it comes knocking on our door. Step one was take out their Dark Portal. Now we're on step two.

RichaddeleonIII asks:
I'm surprised Blizzard left the portals in the shrine in the vale. I figured they would remove them to encourage people to buy and relocate to draenor. Anyone know if they announced their future removal?

They have not announced that. With the garrison being a pretty central part of the Warlords experience, and Ashran being a capital city of sorts, maybe they felt like it wasn't necessary.

Tairn79 asks:
A bunch of my buddies started a new guild on another server. If I were to transfer servers now would it take longer than normal? Would my garrison reset?

Well, considering this is going on, you might seriously consider not doing that. I'm sure that normally your garrison wouldn't reset, but it's not normal times right now. I really don't recommend it.

Hallowspite asks:
I took a hiatus from Pandas for a year so I'm probably missing something, but is there a reason why the major lore characters are underwhelmed at being confronted by an alternate universe army from twenty years ago? Hellfire Peninsula's turned into a jungle and nobody particularly... looks surprised about this.

Seems like the biggest fuss I saw was someone from the other side going "shit that orc is green!" and then everyone just shrugged.

Is this another case of "it was explained in the novel and the game assumes you read it" or was it addressed post-Garrosh-raid-I-never-did?

Khadgar's an archmage who was on Draenor before it blew up and Maraad's a draenei who lived through the rise of the Old, demon blood drinking, baby slaughtering Horde. Between them, they probably recognize the place. Knowing that Garrosh was freed by a bronze dragon, they probably have their suspicions about what's going on, suspicions confirmed by the appearance of brown Grommash and his Warlords at the end of Tanaan Jungle.

In other words, they knew weird stuff was going on, stepped through a portal and into the middle of that weird stuff, and worked out what the weird stuff was while running and fighting the mass of the Iron Horde. There wasn't time for a lot of "GASP! Look at the trees!" Frankly, if Thrall had started up with that I would have smacked him in the back of the head. "Focus on the actual horde of orcs trying to kill us, Thrall."

Seriously, man, orcs. Y'all seriously have to start working on this thing where you just form a horde at the drop of a hat. It's getting old.

Sillystring asks:
So far I've avoided the beta, and I've avoided spoilers on the site, but I have to ask after questing a bit: "where the hell is Jaina? Why pull Khadgar out of the grave for this?"

He's been alive this entire time. He's been sitting in Shattrath, we even do a whole quest thing where one of his servants walks us around the city. Jaina, one assumes, is busy leading the whole freaking Kirin Tor and so Khadgar, one of the most experienced and powerful wizards in the world and the one most experienced with things like going to Draenor (he was part of the original Alliance Expedition) was a natural to lead the defense of Azeroth here - he's been fighting armies of bloodthirsty orcs coming out of the Dark Portal his entire life.

I assume Jaina's probably thrilled to not have to be the only wizard responding to a crisis for once.

Kitsu00 asks:
Q4TQ: Why is it called "Draenor"?.
It has always weird-ed me out, that if "Draenei" means exiled ones, in the Eredun language... Wouldn't the world of Draenor have a different ORCISH name, given to it by its original inhabitants, the Orcs? Or is this some crazy coincidence that the words have such similarity... (a conclusion which makes very little sense to me).

Orcs didn't bother to name it. The draenei were aware it was one planet among many - they'd been to many worlds. The orcs had never been anywhere else - it was their world, and much like many human societies over the years, they didn't see a purpose to naming it. It was the world - why did it need a name? Earth only got named that by default - the word just means the land under our feet, after all. Check out the name and etymology section here, it's quite interesting.

So yeah, the orcs are actually from there, but the draenei were the first ones to bother to call the planet anything, and the name stuck.

And that's the Queue for today. Hopefully actual in-game Queues are kind to you.

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!