
iPad triggers evacuation at Houses of Parliament

nick boles

If you own an iPad you already know how easily it can kill your productivity, but one of Apple's tablets ruined a work day at England's Parliament when Portcullis House -- an office building that houses government officials and their staffers -- was evacuated over a "suspicious package." Inside that package was the iPad of an apprentice starting his first day at Parliament.

According to a recent tweet by Nick Boles, a Member of Parliament, the large police presence spotted outside the office building today was thanks to his apprentice's tablet, though the details of where the iPad was spotted or what suspicious looking packaging it was wrapped in have not been released.

The incident comes just hours after Boles tweeted about the need for young people to have opportunities like apprenticeships. If every new apprenticeship starts with a bomb scare, it's probably not a great idea.

[via The Independent]