
Breakfast Topic: Do you miss dailies?

I have a confession to make -- I miss dailies. I kind of miss them a lot. Don't get me wrong, I was just as tired as the rest of you with Mists of Pandaria's endless daily roulette at level 90 -- but it wasn't the dailies themselves I was tired of. It was just the fact that there were so many of them, coupled with the ridiculous amount of gating in terms of gear upgrades being locked behind reputation. The daily quests themselves varied in terms of fun vs. tediousness, but things like patch 5.1 and Operation: Shieldwall? Those were ridiculously fun. And now that I'm level 100, my choices for things to do seem to be ... really limited.

There's the daily for attacking one of two locations for Apexis, and there's the daily with the fishing building and the Menagerie, but other that that, there's ... a whole lot of nothing. I do have the Inn in my garrison, so I do get dailies that send me into dungeons, but to be perfectly frank, doing dungeons is probably one of my least favorite activities in WoW, and at the moment it seems like they're my only option for endgame stuff to do. It's either that or Ashran, and while Ashran is fun, it's only fun for so long.

Which is why I find myself quietly wishing that, in this particular instance, Blizzard hadn't cranked that particular lever so far in the other direction. If they had settled for giving us one or two daily hubs with a variety of quests, like those wonderful days of patch 5.1, instead of the mass glut we were slammed with at level 90, it would have been perfect. I'd be logging on with something in mind to do that didn't involve waiting ridiculous amounts of time in a dungeon queue. What about you guys? Are you cool with the endgame options we've got right now? Do you miss daily quests, or are you really happy there's none to be found? What do you do to keep busy when you log on?