
The Queue: This is a Placeholder

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Anne Stickney (@Shadesogrey) is answering all kinds of questions today.

I've had this song stuck in my head for a while now, so you guys get to follow me on a trip down memory lane. I think one of the more entertaining memories I have from vanilla is that invariably, when something messed up with the servers, it was always the boats and graveyards that seemed to be affected. One minute you were sailing away, the next you were falling to your death at a graveyard in Stonetalon Peak. Why Stonetalon? Mysteries, my friends. Mysteries that will never be explained.

midnightlurker asked:

Do you think there could ever be a T4 garrison? It looks like there's space to expand past the south gate.

Absolutely! If they felt like doing so, they could expand out a bit. Or just put in level four buildings without changing the map, that would probably work too -- they'd just have to be careful to design the buildings within the same footprint that the level three buildings already take up. It really just comes down to whether or not they feel it's necessary.

EWOKinLA asked:

What benefits do you get from adding a Follower to a profession building?

It varies from profession to profession! Some followers will turn into vendors with special items, some will give you buffs, some will craft special things specifically for you. Each profession building has a different perk. For example, throwing a follower on the enchanting building will open up illusion enchants that you can use to give your weapons unique glows. Assigning a follower to the engineering building will make them a vendor, and they'll sell you cool gadgets and items to use. In addition, having a follower assigned to a building will increase the amount of materials you pull from a work order.

Jorsha asked:

If I have a level 3 building (let's say Lumber Mill) and I decide to replace it with something else. Then after a while I decide I want to go back to the Lumber Mill. Can I just go straight to the level 3 building, or do I have to actually build 1 then 2 before I could build 3?

I have not attempted this myself, but I believe you start over from scratch at a level 1 building that you then need to upgrade to levels 2 & 3. You'll still have the blueprints for those levels, of course, so the only thing it puts you out is gold and garrison resources.

mightbechris asked:

I've been driving myself nuts....where do I find the schematics for a War Mill? I don't even see it in my building interface. Only thing I'm missing is the salvage yard. Help?

If you're talking about the Salvage Yard, there's a quest chain in Spires of Arak that you need to complete in order to obtain that schematic. If you're talking about the War Mill to collect Iron Scraps, that should be on the vendor in Ashran, or on the vendor in your garrison. If you're playing alliance, you're looking for the Dwarven Bunker, rather than the War Mill blueprint.

Boil commented:

I have one HUGE issue with Garrisons... Yeah, they are sweet, but where are MY quarters...?!? I am the damned Commander after all, don't I rate quarters of my own...?

You know what, I like this idea. I like it a lot. I think that's a building they should definitely add in the future. I mean the Town Hall is nice and all, but hey, I shouldn't have to bunk up at the barracks, I wouldn't mind my own personal quarters!

itdragsthesea_ asked:

Two questions for the The Queue. I've just noted that my bodyguard has a reputation gauge. Has anyone noted if the dialogue changes as you increase the rep? If not what is it's purpose? Second question.. I only have one follower with Bodyguard to allocate to barracks. I did apply the role change to one follower, but it was random..Anyone know if there's a away of allocating the bodyguard role to other followers? Thanks!

That reputation gauge is one of those perks of having a Bodyguard -- take them with you when you kill things, and you'll earn reputation with them. If you raise your reputation high enough, you'll unlock special abilities and perks for you. However, there are a limited number of followers that can be Bodyguards -- it's not a randomly assigned trait.

valencemagi asked:

Anne, Rossi refused to answer this, probably due to his radical far-left-wing pro-dragon biased ultraconservative agenda, but is there any lore for why dragons so often take the form of High/Blood elves when High elves didn't even exist when Dragon got squeezed out of the Titan Fun Factory? It just seems like an odd default shapeshift choice.

Way back when the dragons were, as you put it, squeezed out of the Titan Fun Factory, they didn't take humanoid forms at all. In fact, dragonkind in general was pretty reclusive, especially after the War of the Ancients -- it was rare for a dragon to actually interact with the mortal races at all. Korialstraz was one of the few who did so, and he assumed the guise of an elven mage in order to blend in and keep an eye on the Kirin Tor. Kalecgos disguised himself as a half-elf while looking for the residual energies of the Sunwell -- later revealed to be Anveena Teague. Onyxia, Nefarian and even Deathwing assumed human forms because they were trying to blend in undetected among the human race.

Obviously as time has passed, more and more dragons have been caught assuming mortal likenesses, and now it has kind of developed into something they do regularly. It's a lot easier to talk to a mortal when you aren't looming over them with dangerously sharp teeth, after all. Or in Wrathion's case, it's a lot easier to be taken seriously if you assume the form of a mortal human instead of a tiny whelp.

GnomeMaleModel asked:

Q4TQ: Do you think they'll make the TI tokens and the resultant iLvl 496 gear usable by level 86 or 87 characters? They've done so much to turn Panderia into a fast slide to Draenor since the xpac released, turning those tokens from vendor trash into grease for that slide would make a lot of sense.

2nd Q4TQ: Anne answers way more questions per Queue than the other editors. Is that because she's just that much more helpful, or is it more of a completionist, OCD kind of thing? if it's the latter, we should probably ask less questions on her days and give her a break.

To answer your first question -- I have no idea, really! It depends on whether or not they feel doing so is necessary. I'm not a mind reader, so I couldn't tell you one way or another. But they've made it pretty easy to get into Draenor, so I can't really see why they'd do so.

As for your second question ... well, I really just like answering questions and helping people out is all. I usually like to set myself a limit on how many questions I answer, but today I answered a couple extra because I liked the questions people left. However, please don't discourage people from asking questions -- we like to have material for the column, after all, and to be perfectly honest I get far more antsy when there are too few questions to answer than I do when there are too many to address!

But speaking of questions, you guys should leave a bunch for tomorrow's Queue, so the next person in the tag team of Queue authors has plenty to pick from -- they appreciate it!

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!