
If you play this iOS game in public people will think you're insane


If you want to get some seriously peculiar stares from strangers you could do jumping jacks in a coffee shop, break dance in a grocery store, or, if you want to streamline your efforts, just play Yyaah! in any public place. Putting a clever -- if a bit obnoxious -- spin on the one-tap, Flappy Bird style games that have become so popular in the past year, Yyaah! requires you to guide a plane around obstacles by controlling its altitude... with your voice.

The idea here is that you yell "Yyaah!" loud enough to get the plane to fly higher and cruise past buildings, helicopters, and other random objects that block your path. In practice, the microphone doesn't discriminate so any loud sound will work to give the plane a boost upward, but the game is pretty demanding in terms of what volume you'll need to reach in order to create lift. You pretty much have to yell in order to get a response, and since the volume itself doesn't actually control the speed of your plane's rise you need to either be screaming or go completely silent in order to get the plane to do what you want.

It's a weird game, but it's actually kind of fun in a totally insane sort of way. I look forward to challenging my wife to see who can get their plane the farthest the next time we go out to eat, and I'll cross my fingers that we don't get kicked out for disturbing the peace.

[Photo via Crosathorian]