
This is why you should clean under your iPhone case every now and then

Today's lesson in iPhone hygiene comes from Reddit user Flippy1 who took this lovely/horrifying image of a friend's recently uncased iPhone. While we understand that you may never want to take off your case for fear of damaging your precious device, sometimes you've got to take the risk. Otherwise, your iPhone will end of looking like a prop from Mad Max.

When you do clean your iPhone, remember to do it right. Here's what Apple recommends:

  • Use only a soft, lint-free cloth. Abrasive cloths, towels, paper towels, and similar items may cause damage to the item.

  • Disconnect your Apple product from any external power sources.

  • Disconnect any external devices and other cabling from the product.

  • Keep liquids away from the product.

  • Don't get moisture into any openings, and don't use aerosol sprays, solvents, or abrasives.

  • Do not spray cleaners directly onto the item.

Go send Flippy1 some Reddit Gold for giving us permission to share this photo.