
Crowdfunded Project News: The best of Kickstarter, Indiegogo and the rest

Every week, TUAW provides readers with an update on what new or significant crowdfunded Apple-related projects are in the news. While our policy is to not go into detail on items that haven't reached at least 80 percent of their funding goal, this update is designed to give readers a heads-up on projects they might find interesting enough to back. Note that we're not covering those "projects" on Indiegogo where people are trying to get someone else to cough up money for a new computer or tablet...

From Kickstarter:

  • The Bringrr Bluetooth tag was funded this week, achieving a level of US$76,561 -- just over the $75,000 project goal. Backers will begin to see their diminutive finder tags in July.

  • iCPooch is a fun project for dog owners. It's a combination webcam and remotely controlled doggy snack dispenser. You can talk to your pooch from your iPhone while you're away, see how your pet is doing and then give him a treat. The project is already more than half-funded with 27 days to go, so expect to be able to spoil your hound remotely in the near future.

  • Flag wants you to be able to print and mail up to 20 photos a month to friends (or yourself). How's this possible? The developers of this app and service will print an ad on the back of every high-quality photo print. The project is 77 percent funded with six days to go. It's a very clever idea that takes the cost out of getting smartphone and tablet photos printed.

  • You've seen the Padcaster in the Apple "Verse" advertisements. It's an aluminum frame that holds a full-size iPad (pre-Air, although an insert is in the works), lights, microphones and other movie-making gear and can be mounted onto a tripod. Well, Padcaster creator Josh Apter has a Kickstarter project started up for an iPad mini version of the device. Padcaster Mini has 29 days to go; be sure to give this project your support.

From Indiegogo:

  • Jumper Card is a project I've been watching for a while, although it was only recently added to Indiegogo. It's essentially a credit card-sized set of cables that can be used for charging or syncing your favorite device. Although it's just slightly thicker than a credit card, it contains USB, micro-USB, Lightning and 30-pin Dock connector cables along with a small emergency battery and an LED flashlight. Jumper Card currently has only $745 of a $10,000 goal with 41 days to go, but will go ahead regardless of whether or not the project reaches its goal. We'll have a TUAW review of this handy little device in the very near future.

If you're aware of any other crowdfunded Apple-related projects, be sure to let us know about them through the Tip Us button at the upper right of the TUAW home page for future listing on the site.