
TUAW TV Live: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

With apologies to David Bowie for mutilating his lyrics in a TUAW TV Live promo post headline.

Changes are afoot at TUAW TV Live. By next week, we expect to have the show broadcasting on YouTube Live and will then start adding some new features to make the show more interactive. This week should be our last using the current broadcast mechanism. Today we'd like to get some input from viewers on what you'd like to see added to the show, while still maintaining the co-hosted format.

To join in to watch the live feed and participate in the chat, just click here. You'll join us on the AOL On Network. If you can't watch the entire show today, come back to this page within 24 hours to see the latest video below. Past shows are also available on the TUAW YouTube channel.

In the meantime, if you didn't see last week's show live streamed from the media room at Macworld/iWorld 2014 with Mike Rose, Doc Rock and myself (showing up late...), then give it a view below.