
Ask a CDev Round IV answers revealed

It's been quite some time since we've had a new round of Ask a CDev, addressing and answering lore questions from players. But the answers for round IV of the popular feature have been released, including quite a few questions with interesting implications. This time around, the questions were drawn directly from Twitter, and they address a variety of topics. Some highlights include:

  • Oshu'gun? That's what the orcs call the mountain in Nagrand. But the draenei that remember the mountain for the vessel it was still use its original name -- the Genedar.

  • Tyrande and Malfurion officially co-lead the night elves. Tyrande is no longer the sole leader.

  • Sadly, the Shatterspear tribe is no more, although some may have escaped and found shelter within the Horde or other organizations.

  • Just who the heck is Trade Prince Donais? Well ... he isn't Horde, exactly...

  • There is a distinct difference between the vrykul and Kvaldir, and it involves the Curse of Flesh.

Take a look at the thread in its entirety for all of the lore questions and answers. And if you have a lore question that has you stumped, head over to Twitter and shoot it to Senior Historian Sean Copeland at his Twitter account, @Loreology.