
Breakfast Topic: What I am glad to see go

Goodbye, Cleave. I will not even pretend to be sad to see you go. I have called for your death a thousand fold - always on my bars in case, but always more of a trap than a good ability. Oh, once, you served a purpose, but in the days of every spec having a better means to spread damage around, you don't serve that purpose anymore. Still, you're iconic, and I should probably miss you now that you won't be around. You've been on my bars lo these nine years gone, and for much of that time you were a staple of AoE fights, to the point where the word cleave has come to mean 'AoE performed by a melee player' even if they're not a warrior. "Gather the mobs and let the melee cleave them down."

So you'll live on, in a way. But that way will be one where I don't have to see you on my bars or remember only to use you when Ultimatum procs. So I'm happy for that. Goodbye, and take care, and please don't come back.

What about you, reader, double, brother or sister? What ability will you bid a fond or not so fond, but glad hearted farewell to?