
Apple's awesome iOS Camera feature they didn't mention on stage

ios timelapse

Apple spent a whole lot of time talking about photos today during its WWDC 2014 keynote address. From iCloud Photo Library to smart image adjustments, there is clearly a lot to be excited about for iOS shutterbugs. But there is one feature that wasn't mentioned on-stage, yet it has appeared on Apple's iOS 8 teaser page: time-lapse videos.

According to Apple's website:

Capture the experience of the sun setting, a city street bustling, or a flower blooming with the new Time-lapse mode in Camera. iOS 8 does all the work, snapping photos at dynamically selected intervals. The result is a video showing an accelerated sequence of the photos over time. Just set up your device to shoot what you want. Swipe to select Time-lapse mode, tap the Record button, and let Camera record as long as you choose."

That sounds pretty nifty, and while that functionality has already been done in third-party apps, getting it for free right in iOS is always a welcome addition.