
Build a DIY secret iPhone case inside an old book

Here's a fun weekend project we found on YouTube: building your own DIY secret iPhone case inside of an old book. YouTube user Ela Gale has put together a nice tutorial featuring easy to follow steps. You may ask yourself "why would I want such a thing?" First of all, it's adorable. Secondly, there are a few odd situations where such a thing might actually be useful. For example, if you're walking home late at night a mugger is probably not going to go after the guy walking around with a novel.

Outside of that, maybe it'd be useful at the library if you'd like to leave your phone behind while you go to find a new book. If you've got some free time this weekend, a craft knife, and a book you no longer care about, consider giving this project a spin.

Here's what you'll need.

  • An old unused book (thicker than an iPhone and not too big)

  • Craft knife

  • Ruler

  • Pen

  • Scissors

  • Glue (i used PVA)

And if you want to decorate the book, you will also need:

  • Colored paper

  • Colored pens