
Hotline Miami 2 footage leaks, action figure nears funding goal

Two big pieces of news for Hotline Miami fans: Not only has nearly an hour and a half of footage from Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number appeared on the 'net, but a 12" action figure based on Hotline Miami protagonist Jacket is currently nearing its crowdfunding goal.

The figure, a collaboration between ESC Toy, Dennaton Games, and Devolver Digital, is a 1/6 replica of its murderous virtual source material and includes the character's trademark letterman jacket, interchangeable heads featuring a number of the game's more popular masks, and a complement of weaponry taken from the top-down action gorefest. This figure was only posted to Kickstarter earlier today, but there should be no doubts about its success. Of the $60,000 the toy makers were seeking, the figure has already attracted just over $53,000 and there are 31 days remaining in its fundraiser.

On the opposite side of things, a YouTube user under the name "LennyReviews" has uploaded the first two acts of Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number to the ubiquitous video sharing service. Hotline Miami 2 won't officially debut until later this year, so if you're allergic to spoilers you should probably avoid the clip past the break.

[Image: Devolver Digital]