
Breakfast Topic: Who do you want to see in your garrison?

The garrisons that are due to arrive in Warlords of Draenor have a full cast of characters, with plenty of familiar faces among them. (How Dog has made it from your Halfhill farm all the way to Draenor I don't know, but I'm glad he's there.) But as we try to make our garrisons feel like home in the wilds of Draenor, I wonder who should be there but isn't.

Will we see pandaren eventually joining us in Draenor? Though the garrison's trade outpost was originally staffed by pandaren, they were replaced by other races in a recent beta patch... but that doesn't mean our garrisons have to be completely panda free. Perhaps Li Li or Lorewalker Cho might make the trek out to Draenor to join our crew of adventurers. And where's Harrison Jones this expansion? Exploring an alternate universe for artifacts seems like it would be just his thing.

So tell us, readers: who do you want to see in your garrison?