
Joystiq Giveaway: As Above/So Below gear to kick off horror season

October shouldn't get to keep all the horror fun. Why should scary movies be restricted to Halloween proximity? Joystiq's domain being the northern hemisphere of Earth, we know all too well that come September, the dark arrives earlier and earlier. Leaves start to crackle and crinkle as the temperature dips. We declare horror a full season, and to mark the occasion we're giving away swag for the new horror flick As Above/So Below.

We've got two prize packs. One grand prize winner will receive a t-shirt, backpack, messenger bag, and a poster signed by the cast & crew. One runner up will get their hands on a t-shirt and a signed poster. All you have to do to enter the raffle is be a legal resident of the United States and like Joystiq on Facebook using the widget below.

Joystiq Giveaway: As Above/So Below gear

Official JoySwag Giveaway Rules

Note: Contest is only open to legal residents of the United States and Canada and are 13 years of age or older.

[Images: Legendary Pictures]