
Nano Assault Neo dodges bullets on PS4 later this year [update]

Nano Assault Neo is confirmed for PS4 now, and it's bringing its 3D rotational twin-stick shooting to the system in 1080p. Developer Shin'en Multimedia tweeted the new port of the 2012 Wii U game features PS4-specific improvements, though it's not yet detailed what those are. We've reached out to Shin'en to learn more, including whether or not the two-player local coop will make its way across.

As PEGI revealed over the weekend, the new PS4 port is called Nano Assault Neo X - when in doubt, chuck in a X. Shin'en says we can expect the game to shoot onto PSN later this year, and for an idea of what to expect, check out the Wii U trailer below the break. Also, the original Nano Assault Neo is currently available on the eShop for $7.49, 25 percent off the regular price, until September 11.

Update: Shin'en Manfred Linzner told Joystiq Nano Assault Neo will indeed feature a two-player split screen mode in the new PS4 version, as well as online leaderboards and touchpad support. Linzner confirmed the game will run in 1080p at 60 frames per second, and with 7.1 Surround Sound support. The "tentative" release date is Q4 this year.

[Image: Shin'en (Wii U version)]