
Breakfast Topic: What else?

One of the things I'm realizing going into Warlords of Draenor is that I'm going to be a much more casual player this expansion. For one thing, I've lost a good deal of health - one of my eyes barely works and I'm generally a lot sicker than I've been, I'm just not able to be in front of my computer playing WoW for hours at a stretch. Raiding outside of LFR isn't very likely for me. Since I raided up to heroic this expansion, that's going to be a huge adjustment, especially since raiding is my favorite thing to do in WoW. So, therefore. what am I going to be doing? Leveling alts? (That seems the most likely right now, because I enjoy leveling alts.) Mog farming? Lots of dungeons? Challenge Modes? PvP? I need stuff I can do in smaller bursts than raiding, ultimately.

So I come to you, dear readers. Besides raiding, what do you like to do in World of Warcraft? What do you suggest I try out?