
AC Unity's 'Project Window' ensures you and Andy Serkis will never forget Paris

How are you going to keep the assassin down on the secluded training compound after they've seen Paree? Ubisoft's hope with Project Window, a Google Maps-fueled tie-in to Assassin's Creed Unity played in your web browser, is that would-be assassins will just want to stick around in Paris. Especially when they're hanging out with Andy Serkis.

As if Wii U's Google Maps Street View were hacked up and reassembled by Desmond Miles, Project Window drops you into still photos of modern day Paris and lets you explore them as though you were really there, albeit living in extreme slow motion. The hook here is the familiar Animus display from past Assassin's Creed games covering everything, with photo, video, and information points of interest peppered throughout the streets.

The bulk of these info spots are historical vignettes. Narrated by ubiquitous motion-capture master Andy Serkis, each one fills you in on facts and events surrounding the French Revolution, from Louis the XIV's excesses to the Terror. Serkis naturally narrates the proceeding in character, as though he were there for all the guillotining, with acerbic, weary flair.

Exploring the whole thing gives access to contests and other Creed-themed content, but beware: for every historical hotspot, there's another that's just screenshots for Unity. Or Assassin's Creed rap videos. The rap videos do not star Andy Serkis.

[Images: Ubisoft]