
Serious about getting in shape? Get Custom Fit

Custom Fit screenshots

This free universal app is not intended for those of us who work out occasionally but are not really all that serious about getting in top shape. Custom Fit and Custom Fit Pro, a US$1.99 upgrade are aimed at the people who are dedicated to working out regularly and targeting specific muscle groups or parts of their bodies. Both apps require iOS 6.1 or later.

Custom Fit allows you to choose your workout goals and duration of the workout. Then you target the body parts you want to train and improve. Custom Fit is limited to two goals, two workout lengths, and the opportunity to work on just two body parts at a time. To get more choices in all of these areas you need to purchase the upgrade to Custom Fit Pro.

Custom Fit screenshots

I set up a workout program first choosing between losing fat or building muscle. I decided on improving my muscle tone and then picked from 20 or 30 minute workouts, and finally decided to work on just one body part, my biceps. Custom Fit laid out five specific workout stages, first doing 5 minutes of moderate intensity on the treadmill followed by four different weight exercises with recommended reps and numbers of sets for each.

No weight recommendations are given since the app doesn't know if you are working with free weights or other machines. Each exercise comes with a detailed animation showing how you are to do the exercise.

Custom Fit screenshots

Custom Fit offers the usual social media connections if you want to share your workout regime and progress with friends. You also can track your progress in the app with sections devoted to specific areas such as height, weight, arm and leg measurements in the Progress Tracker, your Diet Log allows you to list what you ate and when, and in your Exercise Log you can list the specifics of each of your workouts and track the number of sets you do with how many reps, rest between, and how long your workout lasted.

Custom Fit screenshots

If you purchase the upgrade to Custom Fit Pro, you also get a BMI tracker. BMI stands for Body Mass Index and is a measurement of body fat based on height, weight, and age. The paid version of the app also allows you to access more than 2400 individual workouts. If you are really committed to getting your body in top shape, Custom Fit would be a good app to use to start you on that path and once you make noticeable progress you can upgrade to the paid version.