
Add some flash to your sports photos with Winz

Winz screenshots

The next time you are at a game or watching a game on TV or out with friends you can improve your photos of the event with Winz, a free universal app that enhances the sports photos you share through social media outlets. Winz requires iOS 7.0.

Open the app and choose one of the teams you are watching, the app opens your camera and brings up a graphic with the live score of the game on TV. If you pick your favorite team and they aren't currently playing the app provides the final score of their latest game or shows 0-0 if your team is scheduled to play in the near future. These score overlays will be added to any photos you take so your shots will include not just the activity in the game but a professional looking graphic that will set your pictures apart from others on your favorite social media site.

Winz screenshots

Users can select from almost three dozen separate overlays or skins. They all include the score but put it in different places on your screen or in a different color scheme, and with or without logos. The skins are broken down into five different categories. Scores shows just the score. Fans uses canned slogans like "Go Bruins" in addition to the score. TV style places a graphic similar to what networks use for scores during a broadcast. In the players section you can choose a player from the team's roster and have his name included in the skin plus the score. That works best when you get a tight shot of a specific play. The fifth area allows users to type in their own text so users can add their own messages to the photos.

Winz screenshots

Additionally, Winz allows users to change the location included the in the skin. The default location is the arena or stadium where the game is taking place. But you can type in your own location or by using the geo-location button at the bottom of the screen, choose from a variety of places nearby.

So snap your photo or if you want choose a picture off your camera roll, make your skin selections, and you can now upload the photo to all of the usual social media outlets plus email, texting, and saving it to your device. The icons appear at the top of the page and a simple tap sets up your access.

Winz screenshots

Winz will certainly add a new dimension to your sports photos. So download, snap, and share to impress your friends and followers.