
Ubisoft now working to fix Assassin's Creed: Unity issues

Following a rough launch earlier this week, Ubisoft wants to assure fans of Assassin's Creed: Unity that the development team is working to patch the game's many glaring technical issues.

Just how glaring are these issues? According to the analysts at Digital Foundry, though it appears exclusively on new hardware, Assassin's Creed: Unity performs worse than its prior-generation predecessor Assassin's Creed: Black Flag, while featuring more graphical glitches (see the faceless abomination above) and relatively frequent crashes. Despite the controversial decision to display the game at 900p resolution, Digital Foundry finds that Unity struggles to maintain a steady 30 fps framerate, and that crowd scenes often plunge the game as low as 20 fps. Though Digital Foundry plans to investigate Unity's shortcomings in more detail over the next week, the analysts diplomatically state that "there's certainly the sense that both console versions of the game aren't running at their best."

As for Ubisoft's plans to fix these problems, the publisher claims it is currently working on an update to fix a number of specific glitches discovered by players, including protagonist Arno Dorian falling through the game world and getting stuck inside hay bales, and the game crashing without warning. Ubisoft is also investigating the performance issues outlined by Digital Foundry, though it has yet to offer word on any fixes that might be in the works.

[Image: Ubisoft/King_Anesti]