
Blizzard giving all subscribers 5 days of free game time

Executive Producer J. Allen Brack has posted a message on the official forums apologizing for the Warlords of Draenor launch issues. To compensate players, each player who had an active subscription as of November 14 is getting 5 days of game time added to their accounts. He also mentions that they are continuing to deploy the new instancing tech to all realms to help with queue times. The end result will be realms having approximately double the population capacity they did before launch.

J. Allen Brack
In recognition of the difficulties so many of you ran into when trying to play over the first few days, we're adding five days' worth of extra time to every subscription in the Americas, Oceania, and Europe that was active as of Friday, November 14. Things are already in a much better place than they were going into the weekend, so I hope you'll now be able to focus on having a ton of fun with this expansion.

You can read his full message on the official forums.