
EyeEm's new Open Edit feature shows you how photos get edited

When it comes to photo sharing apps there are plenty of options available that will allow you to filter and modify your images. Companies have to set themselves apart. EyeEm's new 5.0 update for its mobile app isn't just looking to give you options for editing your photos, it wants to teach you how to do it.

With the new Open Edit feature, app users can see exactly how other photographers achieved their final photo, including what filters edits were used. This allows budding photographers to learn how changing various parameters impact their photos.

Once they've seen the photo's settings they can then transfer those same settings onto a photo of their own to see what changes it makes. Each filter is added one at a time via animation so you can see each layer evolve. Currently this feature is exclusive to iOS but the Android app will be updated in the near future.

Currently the Open Edit feature is only available on a limited number of photographs in the app. As time goes on more photos will be added to the feature, until ultimately it will be available for everyone who wants to use it. EyeEm has told TUAW that before the feature is introduced for use on the general public's photos they will add opt out options for users. If you don't want to show people how your photos are made you won't have to.

You can find the new EyeEm app right now in the iTunes store for free.