
Breakfast Topic: Draenor raids yet to come

So we know we have Highmaul fully unlocked and Blackrock Foundry will be unlocking some time in February (if I'm understanding 8 weeks after Highmaul correctly) and that leaves me wondering - how long will these two raids be expected to last? I doubt patch 6.1 will have a new raid, which might means 6.2 will - but what will it be? Will we be raiding the Iron Horde seat of power that quickly?

If not, what will we be raiding? Where will it be? Will it be in the Spires of Arak, some forgotten bastion of antiquity in Gorgrond? Perhaps we'll find ourselves back on Azeroth raiding a troll raid (it's happened before) before returning our focus to the Iron Horde. What do you think the next raid or raids will be?