
WoW Moviewatch: Come Little Children

Come Little Children isn't really telling a story or a joke like your more traditional machinima works -- it's one of the music video variety. Featuring vocals by KatetheGreat, the video is little more than a montage of various bits of scenery around Draenor, along with a few animated sequences of a human woman singing. The video definitely isn't one of the usual technically adept efforts I've seen from Youtuber Khayllys, but Draenor's scenery is a beautiful backdrop for the eerie little song.

The sequences with the human woman are the most interesting, simply for the use of the new model. It is really, really weird to see a human WoW model with this kind of expressiveness, and even weirder to see said model wiggle its fingers. And I don't think I'd realized until watching this video exactly how large the hands are on human models -- I suppose they'd have to be, to wield the large-scale weapons Azeroth is famous for. If you like the video, be sure to pay a visit to Khayllys' Youtube channel for more.

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