
The Queue: Emergency Rossi Edition

Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Matthew Rossi will be your host today.

There's been a slight calamity, and so the glass has been broken and the emergency Rossi has been brought forth to write this edition of The Queue for you. Think of me as a helpful, somewhat hairy, denizen of the frozen north. A helper sasquatch, if you will. Since I have a cat named Sasquatch, here's a picture of him being helpful.

At least he thought so, anyway.

Morte asks:
Q4TQ: Can you do the Tanaan Jungle intro quests with a friend or is it a solo experience?

I know that a guildmate of mine did it grouped with his wife and they both completed it together.

PaulTaelsHopper asks:
Why are there goblins working for the Iron Horde?

The short answer is basically 'money'. The more involved answer is, Garrosh had some working for him under the True Horde, and so, some of them were amenable when the Iron Horde came through the Dark Portal to working for him again. Garrosh doesn't like goblins, per se - as the treatment Malkorok gave Grizzle Gearslip's people when they found the Heart of Y'shaarj indicates - but he respects their technical acumen. Pauli Rocketspark came over personally to help the Iron Horde, following in the tradition of his deceased predecessor, Helix Blackfuse.

MermelMadness asks:
Does anyone else feel bad that they can't respond to the people in their garrison when they greet you or ask you how your day was? I feel like I'm being that asshole commander who is all business and doesn't indulge in small talk with his underlings...

I don't. I don't care about fraternization. We're on Draenor to do a job, not to be friends. We have an Iron Horde to conquer to protect not only Azeroth but Draenor, this is a military excursion, not a jaunt. If I'm isolated by the heavy weight of my burden, I can at least console myself that I'm busy making sure that my people's lives aren't spent needlessly in the pursuit of victory.

Also, it's a game, man. They're not real people. But if it really bugs you, fling some emotes around. It's your garrison, no one's going to judge you if you spent half your time there saluting people.

Billywitchdr asks:
I have a question for the team:

Do you the garrison follower missions will ever become a cellphone app? Sometimes I can't get to the computer till well after my missions are done and it would be nice to maximize my efficiency.

Do you hear that sound? As if an ancient kurgan in the Altai Mountains groans, and a star born horror flexes ancient, loathsome wings? That is the sound of the end times. Of mankind shackled, forever bound to glowing devices, unable ever to be free for even a moment from garrison follower missions. A scraping sound! Is that the sound of tendrils, ancient and horrid, scraping at the sill? We don't have much time! Someone must act to prevent this dread nightmare from coming to fruition! Escape while you can, I'll hold it here as long as sanity permits me.

In other words, I hope not. I really, really hope not. I like going outside and actually getting to see things.

And such is the Queue for today. I'll see y'all tomorrow. I'm probably going to talk about dinosaurs, it's been a while and I miss it.

Have questions about the World of Warcraft? The WoW Insider crew is here with The Queue, our daily Q&A column. Leave your questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer 'em!