
For your app-roval

Sometimes, someone special comes into your life. Sometimes, this someone special makes you feel so amazing that you just couldn't imagine life without them. Sometimes, this someone is an app. Yes, your go-to apps have made your life better by leaps and bounds. Whether you're a single lady on the go, or a happy hubby with four kids, there's an app with the ability to make your life exponentially easier. The problem many face is finding their app soulmate. That's where help from friends comes in! The more you share your favorite apps, the more simplicity you can bring into the lives of others. I'll get the sharing started with my list of the top apps I simply could not live without. Enjoy!

1. Word Swag

Word Swag is an absolute MUST for social media mavens and blogging gurus. This simple app allows you to create awesome text graphics using your own photos or provided background images with a pre-designed layout for your text. You can change the size, spacing, and color of your text in just minutes. In short, if you're not a designer but you love creating custom content for your blog and social posts, you need a little Word Swag in your life.

(Only available in iOS)

2. Flipboard

Staying up to date on important current events and news is important.That being said, you probably don't want to consume every bit of random news produced by national and local news sites. Fortunately, Flipboard lets you personalize the news that shows up in your feed. The app is a savior in terms of keeping you in the know without making you scroll through stories that don't fit your interests.

iOS Android

3. Followers Plus

Admit it, you care about who follows and unfollows you on your favorite social accounts just a little bit. Although Insta and Twitter won't let you know where you stand with your digital friends, Followers Plus will. This app tracks who follows and unfollows you while you're logged in. It can also provide info on who's blocking you and what your average engagement scores look like.

iOS Android

4. Uber

This app won't work in every city (Vegas! *cough, cough), but where it does work, it's absolutely amazing! Simply input your current location and destination of choice to catch a ride from a trusted ride sharing pro. You don't even need your wallet as the app keeps your payment info for easy fare management. Additionally, you can provide reviews and feedback to help fellow Uber users identify awesome drivers for future trips. AND I've saved the best for last - Uber rides are way cheaper and more enjoyable than taxi rides!

iOS Android

5. Hulu Plus

Thanks to in-flight Wi-Fi, video streaming apps have become a tech essential for frequent travelers. The Hulu Plus app lets you enjoy your favorite shows and movies from anywhere with a decent Wi-Fi connection, whether that be the local train or somewhere in the air over the Pacific Ocean. Obviously, you can see why life without this app would be MUCH more difficult.

iOS Android

6. How Much Speed Do I Need?

Ever experience the horror of slow Netflix as you try to work your way through the latest episode of your favorite series? Experience this no more! The How Much Speed do I Need? tool will guide you through a simple process to find out how much speed you need to power up all your gadgets and streaming apps with fast internet connection. Now you can be prepared next time your roommate decides to so rudely research her upcoming term paper on the same night as the release of the new season of OITNB.

7. Spotify

Gone are the days of paying a whole $1.99 for access to each of your favorite tracks. The Spotify app lets you stream music right to your phone from custom or pre-made playlists. The only downfall? Like Pandora, you can only skip so many tracks. If you find yourself using Spotify on the daily, I suggest purchasing the premium account for $9.99/month. They also offer a $.99/month deal for the first three months as well as student discounts.

iOS Android

8. Soundcloud

The EDM scene is just getting bigger and bigger. If you're like me, you probably find yourself at a loss when friends rave about up and coming DJs whose music can't be found in the Top 40. Fortunately, Soundcloud has what you need to catch up. You can check out tracks from new artists and repost them to your profile to stream them when and wherever you'd like. What I love most about this app is that you can check out your friends' reposted tracks for fresh ideas and maybe even conversation starters.

iOS Android