
Apple: Imitation or innovation?

One of the oldest battles that has raged around me I've been thrust within the tech world is the ever-long rivalry between Apple and Android systems. It's bloody, cut throat, and each brand has a loyal-as-ever army. Both companies' products have merits, but hey—that's because they've evolved alongside one another carefully examining the other's move, the other's innovation, trying to break out of the mold and create the next best piece of technology. By definition, innovation means taking something pre-existing, and improving what's there in a new way. Apple and Samsung have been at each other's throats over patent battles, device features etc. I'm going to puke if I hear anything more about which fingerprint scanner or digital wallet is better. Apple is innovative because it imitates... and improves. I've been using Apple products since I was a child and will continue to do so because one of the things it cares about the most as a brand is the user experience and design. I hope the rivalry continues, because the battle makes nothing but a healthy competitive ecosystem—and we get a better computer or phone at the end of the day, whichever cult we subscribe to.