
Google Glass Is Going To Be Making A Comeback

Google Glass is making a comeback but instead of pitching it to the general public they are aiming it towards businesses like healthcare, manufacturing and energy with a new version of its wearable devices.Unlike the old version, the new one doesn't come with a wire-like frame to keep the device together.

Instead, it has a button and hinge system to connect the mini-computer to different glasses. The exact details about the pricing or timing for the new version hasn't yet been disclosed but according to Re/Code it's expected to come in well below the original price tag of of $1,500 (€1,370) to stay competitive with rival products.

The product was retired last January when it closed its Explorer programme. It ceased taking orders for the device but helped other companies that were using it.

The Google Glass team relocated to the Nest divison under the supervison of its CEO and co-founder, Tony Fadell. The focus this time is to bring greater reality services to businesses, a change from its original aim of becoming a consumer device when it was first disclosed back in 2012.

Privacy concerns were spearked when it was first released because users could take photos or record videos without anyone noticing. The new version will not have the same concerns as it will be designed for private workplaces instead of being utilized in public.