
How-to: Stay secure online

How to make passwords out of a pencil, two pieces of paper and a case of beer*

Step one: Begin drinking case of beer

Step two: Approximately halfway to your tolerance level within that case of beer, use pencil to write random upper and lower case letters, and numbers on one piece of paper while drinking remainder of beer tolerance allocation

Step three: Once hangover has receded the following morning, select at least eight of the random characters using the "close your eyes and point" method (made popular by globetrotters when selecting their next destination). Repeat as necessary

Step four: Write the resulting sequences on second piece of paper being careful to label each for its intended purpose, for example: Facebook, PC login, Ashley Madison, etc. because there is no way you are going to memorise them any time soon.

*rye, bourbon OR tequila may be substituted. Multiple substitutes are not recommended.