
For Your App-roval - Here Are My Two Favorite Apps

There are lots of other apps that I love eg. Spotify, Instagram, Google Maps.. but it is these two that have made the greatest impact on my life.

My FitnessPal

I used to live a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle which was accompanied with poor eating habits. Working in an office didn't help and I would find myself eating unhealthy snacks and drinking lots of coffee. Things came to a head when my mother passed away because of heart disease. This was smoking and weight related and it was the catalyst for me to start adopting a healthy lifestyle. A friend recommended me this app and it has virtually revolutionized my life since I incorporated it into my fitness routine well over a year ago. The app features a never ending database- some four million + items and a brilliant calorie counting feature. You can enter the types of food you are eating and sync it with your PC/ mobile device/tablet. There are exercise workouts which are varied and never boring, it keeps me motivated and has helped me make better eating choices. It has been extraordinarily transformative in many ways, I feel happier and healthier. I have lost 10.7 kgs and kicked 20 year old smoking habit. This would not have been possible if I didn't have this daily companion informing me, inspiring me and motivating me. I had joined gyms before but usually gave up after two weeks, now with this app I find myself setting goals that I am not only reaching but exceeding. This has got to be my number one app.


This is another fantastic app that has helped budget and prioritize my spending. Being prudent with money was never one of my strong points, in fact I was pretty reckless and would often spend on items that I didn't need. Now that I am paying rent and bills, I have to reign in my spending and prioritize my finances otherwise I would end up without a roof over my head! This app is user friendly and easy to use, Wally lets me know where my income is going, sets and adheres to budgets, balances my income and expenses and allows me to reach my financial goals. Now instead of being flat broke at the end of the month surviving on basic rations, there is enough cash in the kitty to indulge myself a little. Peace of mind and sensible money management have been the two great benefits of this app.