
Tips To Secure Yourself Online


Simple rule but one that all too often gets ignored – change your password regularly! Try and use different passwords for your online accounts. If a stranger were to hack your personal email account then they could easily hack all your other accounts with the same password. Try configuring your password so that it will be difficult for the hacker to breach. Do not use your date of birth, surname, or your pets name. Instead, add higher case letters, symbols or numbers to make them safer and more secure. You should also type HTTPS – (hypertext transfer protocol secure) before web addresses. The majority of websites by default will do this when you are entering your password or when you're on websites for shopping or banking, but you can alter the settings on Facebook by going into security settings.


Have you ever received a friend request from someone you don't know and with whom you have no mutual friends? Most of us would naturally decline the friend request but sometimes this is not always the case. A lot of people will accept someone if they happen to share a few mutual friends. One should not accept someone on Facebook that they do not know in real life. If you wouldn't do this in the real world then don't do it online.


Today's generation of young adults have almost grown up with social websites like Twitter, MySpace and Facebook. A lot of us would probably find life difficult without these websites. As a result we believe that we know how to navigate these sites and how to protect ourselves, but the truth is we really don't. Some tips you can do to secure your privacy online are: setting your page to private (this prevents people who you are not friends with going through your account), and avoid sensitive or personal information like your address, employment details or even your age.

Be yourself

Try and be yourself, just because you are online doesn't mean that you can act as a different person. Don't put up posts or statuses that you wouldn't want those close to you to see like your parents, teachers or potential employers. Be careful what you put up as this might be offensive or hurtful to someone. Think before you type because everything can be traced back to you even after you delete it.