
Your Tech Checklist for a Successful Semester Abroad

Young woman dressed in coat and glasses with travel bag using phone on the stairs at Republic square in Split city

Congrats on your pending adventure abroad! As you already know, your study escape to a foreign country will be one of the most amazing experiences of your life. However, as with all big ventures, it will take some serious preparation to make it successful. Sure, you've got your cash, laptop, clothes, toiletries, etc. But do you have your tech in order?
The right tech can help you create a more seamlessly fantastic experience overseas. No matter where you go to study, tech is a language most students can understand. Check out 6 essential tech items to take with you during your international travels.

1.Reliable Wifi
Solid internet connection will be absolutely essential for a number of reasons. You'll need it to complete your coursework, video call home, find cool attractions and restaurants, and run translation and conversion apps on your phone. Check out flash router options to split WiFi connection with your roommates and/or hosts.

When you're on the go or are simply looking to break away from your home or hostel to do some work, the WiFi Finder app can help you find both free and paid WiFi options around your city.

A Dropbox subscription will definitely come in handy during your trip of a lifetime! You'll be taking loads of pictures and will more than likely need to store them in a backup space to make room on your phone or camera for more. Dropbox is a cloud storing system that makes this a bit easier. It's a secure place to store your photos and documents then access them from other devices using your password and username later.

3.Portable Hard Drive
This may seem a bit old school, but it might be worth keeping a portable hard drive with you as a backup should you lose online access. Once again, you can store your documents and photos like you would on Dropbox, but also have access to them while you're on the plane or in an area without great connection.

4.Access to Your Favorite Shows
Chances are, you'll find a bit of down time here and there. This is when you'll really appreciate having access to your favorite shows and movies. The easiest solution here would be to sign up for Netflix or Hulu. These will be the most reliable sources for streaming. If you are absolutely in love with a cable series and can't seem to figure out an overseas solution, you can still make your at home cable subscription work for you. Just be sure to choose one of the cable providers with a mobile option.

5.Apps to Keep Your Finances in Check
You've probably already got your credit card/cash situation figured out. That being said, you may not have considered additional options to keep your finances in order. Apps like Venmo will come in handy abroad as you'll more than likely end up going out to eat a lot. This will help you split costs with friends and hosts when you don't have the cash. On top of this, you'll also want to download a good foreign currency converter and research the tipping situation at your destination before you leave.

6.Tech Preserving Accessories
Your laptop and smartphone are definitely a given on this list. You'll want to make sure you have the right accessories to keep them safe and fully functioning too though. Check out your options for padded laptop carriers and secure phone cases to protect the exterior. Installing solid security software prior to leaving will also be essential to protect your devices and the info stored on them. Few things would be worse for your cash flow than being forced to spend part of your travel budget on a new laptop or phone.

Additionally, do your research to find a reliable power pack for each of your devices, as well as converter cords to accommodate the outlets found in your choice destination.