
Blackphone 2 now on sale in North America for $800

If you need maximum smartphone security and are willing to pay for it, the Blackphone 2 is now on sale. The latest handset from Silent Circle has privacy features like the Android-based PrivatOS operating system, encrypted calling and texts, and "spaces" that let you keep business separate from pleasure. But unlike the original Blackphone, the latest model is actually a decent smartphone, with a 5.5-inch 1080p screen, Qualcomm 8-core CPU, 3GB RAM, a 13-megapixel back-side illuminated camera and quick-charging 3,060 mAh battery.

Given the numerous privacy dangers lurking out there, what price would you pay for both security and a solid smartphone? Silent Cirlce thinks it's $799, more than a 64GB iPhone 6s costs. However, if you need it, you need it, so assuming you're in North America, you can grab a Blackphone 2 at Silent Circle's website. In the UK and the rest of the world, it's set to arrive "soon."