
Computer Science is the most popular major for women at Stanford

Stanford reportedly has 214 female students enrolled in its Computer Science major -- that's 30 percent of the major's total enrollment -- making it the most popular major with women at the university for the first time. Women constitute 49 percent of the school's total student body and Computer Science accounts for 20 percent of the university's total enrollment. Computer Science did just barely eke out the previous title-holder, human biology, for the top spot by a mere six students.

"We've crossed that threshold where women feel supported and comfortable," Eric Roberts, a Stanford professor emeritus of computer science, told Reuters. "What we need to do is not turn anyone away because they feel unsupported, and a vibrant core community with a critical mass is essential." This marks a decided shift in the field, which has traditionally been dominated by men. It's especially auspicious given Stanford's close proximity to Silicon Valley and the numerous (albeit overwhelmingly white and peniled) tech giants that reside there.

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