
Breakfast Topic: How powerful are your followers?

I now have a dozen followers with an ilvl of 645. This means that they can trek into Highmaul on missions and bring me back stuff -- really good stuff, all things considered. Still, I keep experiencing these moments of odd discontent, although the process of sending my followers on missions is pretty satisfying. I think this has little to do with the process itself, and more to do with the fact that my character's ilvl is only 643, which means I've got a dozen minions who are arguably stronger than I am. And that seems a little strange, if I'm the commander, doesn't it?

But I can't really argue with the end result, especially when that end result is legendary stones, or gear from Highmaul difficulty levels that I'm not even trying to approach. Sure, they might be stronger than I am -- but I eagerly await the day that the little guys successfully go out and come back from a heroic level raid. Heck, if they can handle mythic difficulty content, so much the better for me -- my ilvl will climb soon enough, and these guys seem to be stuck at 655, for now. So I'll continue leveling and upgrading my followers at every opportunity, and see how much further they can do. What about you guys? Have you actively been working on follower missions and gearing your followers? Have they brought back anything interesting for you? Are they going into raids yet? What do you think of the follower gameplay -- is it fun, or a chore for you?