
Amazon doesn't want states regulating courier drones

If you thought Amazon was already fighting tooth-and-nail for permission to fly delivery drones in the US, you haven't seen anything yet. The internet shopping giant has warned a House oversight committee that states and cities "must not be allowed" to regulate unmanned aircraft that get the Federal Aviation Administration's approval. There should be only one set of rules for airspace, purpose and qualifications, Amazon says. It's not hard to see why the company would be nervous -- it could be very tricky to run a nationwide courier drone service if some states have strict requirements or ban these services entirely.

It's not certain how the committee will respond to the demands. With that said, Amazon is likely to keep up the pressure as long as possible. Remember how Jeff Bezos' crew were desperate to avoid charging state sales taxes, and did so only when they had no real choice? Yeah. Amazon may well continue its struggle so long as there's any chance of establishing a single American rulebook for robotic shipments.