
Google Drive sends you phone alerts for shared files

Google is updating Drive with new features, which are especially useful to employees and students that tend to work in teams. You'll now get instant mobile mobile alerts, for instance, whenever someone shares a file or a folder with you. To check out what a team member sent, just tap the notification to take you there. In case someone sends you a link to a file you don't have access to, you don't have to call him up anymore: you can request access with a single click through the Android app, which he'll immediately get as a notification on an iOS or an Android device. Finally, if you're teamed up with someone who refuses to sign up for a Google account despite using an Android phone, don't worry -- he'll now be able to view any file you send, as well. Some of these Drive features may not be available right at this moment, but The Big G says you'll be able to take advantage of them in the near future.