
Biometric identification Boosting Automotive Security

biometric identification automotive security

Today's vehicles are highly complex in terms of both features and user interfaces. Biometric identification system is an effective solution to personalize vehicles for each driver and allow him to access to confidential information stored in the vehicle's database. Utilizing advanced biometric technology, biometric driver identification optimizes the settings of the vehicle's active driver assistance and accident prevention systems specifically to suit the identified person. With the ability to recognize the true driver, biometric driver identification can enable security of car network preventing from hacking and feature driver behavior-based algorithms for safety and performance.

The utilization of biometric driver identification can blend nicely with the existing vehicle security systems and offer a higher degree of multi-level protection. Additionally, the recognition system can be integrated into intelligent vehicle systems with purpose of achieving safer driving. There are a few biometric systems for cars making their way to the market already. In 2011, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation showed how far biometrics can take the car of the future at the 2011 Tokyo Motor Show with the EMIRAI concept. The car recognizes the driver's face using a camera, and then also takes the temperature of the driver's face with an infrared ray. A sensor in the seat measures the driver's heart rate. Recently, Dr. Kim, CEO of IriTech, stated in an interview with Findbiometrics that several auto manufacturers have contacted the company for iris identification inside the car. With iris identification system, it can help to authorize a valid driver and utilize Bluetooth or other systems to ensure full security for inside the car.

The constant evolution of driver assistance and information systems brings ever-increasing driving comfort and safety. Biometric driver identification can optimize the schemes of the vehicle's active driver assistance and accident prevention by imposing specific restrictions for drivers. With the help of the driver profiles, the on-board accident prevention and assistance systems can even cater for different driving styles. Besides, through anti-theft protection feature, the identification system can send a message to the owner's mobile if it cannot identify the person in the driver's seat. The owner has several options to solve this sensitive breach by immobilizing the vehicle via "remote control", authorize use on a case-by-case basis, or notify the police.

Furthermore, the biometric access also raises the possibility of personalizing the driver experience, such as personalized settings for seat position, as well as inside temperature and entertainment. Specially, recent technological progress in diversity, sensitivity, data capacity and miniaturization of biometric and biomedical instrumentation sensors and devices are enabling the general public to have more real-time access to personal health status as well as enjoy more security for their personal electronic devices. The availability of biometric has implications in many markets and significant potential to increase driving comfort and safety when embedded into appropriate algorithms related to vehicle design and performance. For example, a vehicle that senses that the driver has an elevated body temperature and has increased his respiration rate significantly may automatically open windows or increase interior ventilation to improve comfort.

There are many benefits to safety car transport operations using biometric tracking technology. Monitoring each driver with unique biometric data can not only secure the safety and overall health of the driver, but also provide management with rich data to enhance company-wide decision making and individual performance evaluations. It was noted that on a macro level, the car carrying industry could make use of biometric tracking data to reduce overhead by warning of excessive fuel consumption, identifying billing anomalies, reducing overtime expenses, and easily detecting any unauthorized use of a vehicle. Additionally, the identification system can be integrated into intelligent vehicle systems with purpose of achieving safer driving.